This brand is inspired by my favourite YouTuber of all time Jacksepticeye. I've heard him refer to coffee as "Dirty Bean Water" before and I thought it would be cool to have a coffee shop called "Dirty Bean Roast". It's the perfect place for students or employees to take a break and just procaffenate.


Nobody makes better steaming dirty bean water than Dirty Bean Roast. It's in their name! The goal for this company is to show its bold, rugged and exciting personality not only in their name but also in their brand.

The first step that I took for this project is to brainstorm on the image of the brand. I sketched out various logo designs that would deliver the rugged and bold personality of the brand. For my design strategy I decided to stick with a sans serif font with sharp edges and heavy weight for the text and added some texture on their main logo to give it that rugged look.